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Courtesy of Jane Bayani and Dr. Eleftherios P. Diamandis.
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Severa Bunda and Michael Ohh
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LMP scientists discover effective molecular switch for most notorious cancer-causing gene
We offer access to over 350 expert faculty involved in a broad spectrum of research.
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We offer access to over 350 expert faculty involved in a broad spectrum of research.
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Customize your experience with outstanding case material and a stunning array of research opportunities.
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U of T Scientists Uncover Key Process in the Manufacture of Ribosomes and Proteins


Researchers at the University of Toronto have shown that an enzyme called RNA...

U of T plays leading role in effort to develop COVID-19 treat

By Geoffrey Vendeville

Researchers at the University of Toronto are playing a leading role in a national effort to study the...

LMP Faculty Promotion 2020

We are pleased to congratulate the faculty members in LMP who received aproval for promotion effective July 1, 2020.  These promotions are richly...

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Why Choose LMP?


To experience the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology (LMP) is to experience a world of boundless...

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Microbes strike back: Q&A with Professor Andrew Simor

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Prospective Graduate Students - Choose Your Own Research Path
Quercus: Replacing Blackboard/Portal September 2018
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